「 少女マンガから見た『GIRL』:その日本での受容を左右するメディアスケープと民族性表現」

“Shōjo manga kara mita GIRL: Sono Nihon de no juyō o sayū suru mediascape to minzokusei hyōgen [GIRL as shōjo manga: Mediascape and conventions for representing ethnicity swaying its reception in Japan],” in Josei manga kenkyū [Women’s Manga Studies], ed. by Ōgi Fusami, Tokyo: Seikyūsha, 2015, pp. 84–105.

「 少女マンガから見た『GIRL』:その日本での受容を左右するメディアスケープと民族性表現」、大房房美編『女性マンガ研究:欧米・日本・アジアをつなぐMANGA』青弓社、2015年

「書評:Japanese Animation: East Asian Perspectives, edited by Masao Yokota and Tze-yue G. Hu, University Press of Mississippi, 2013[横田正夫・胡智於(珠珠)共編『日本アニメーション:東アジアからの諸視点』]」

『アニメーション研究』第15巻2号A、[The Japanese Journal of Animation Studies, 2014, vol.15, no.2A], (2014年5月)、pp. 40-47.

Book:『国際マンガ研究』/Global Manga Studies (4)

ed., Nihon manga to “Nihon”: Kaigai no sho komikkusu bunka o shitajiki ni (Kokusai manga kenkyū 4) [Japanese manga and “Japan,” seen from the perspective of the respective comics cultures abroad] [Global Manga Studies, 4]. Introduction [individually authored], Kyoto: International Manga Research Center, 2014. Print & Web. http://imrc.jp/lecture/2012/06/4.html
(Proceedings of International Conference coorganized by Kobe University and Kyoto Seika University, June 2012)

Book: 『マン美研』 (2002)

Man-bi-ken: Manga no bi/gakuteki jigen e no sekkin [Towards an Aesthetics of Comics], Kyoto: Daigo shobō.
Introduction, pp. i–xv, and individual chapter “Tenji sareru manga: bijutsukan ni okeru manga no «bigaku»” [Exhibiting manga: The ‘Aesthetics’ of comics in the art museum], pp. 159–191.