in The Bloomsbury Handbook to Posthumanism, edited by Mads Rosendahl Thomsen and Jacob Wamberg, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, pp. 403–414.
Tag: Anime
Review: Interpreting Anime by Christopher Bolton (2019)
in The Journal of Japanese Studies, 45(2), summer 2019, pp. 471-475. DOI: 10.1353/jjs.2019.0063
Symposium: Archiving Anime: Materiality, Media and Japan (2019)
Coorganized by the MEXT-funded Archive Centre for Anime Studies and Asian Link Research Center, Niigata University, Japan, and the Japanese section at the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies, Stockholm University
Time: Mon, 1 April 2019 14:00-17:30 Venue: Aulan, Kräftriket 4A
Exhibition: Unearthing Anime – Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise

Coorganized by the MEXT-funded Archive Centre for Anime Studies and Asian Link Research Center, Niigata University, Japan, and the Japanese section at the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies, Stockholm University.
30 March – 3 April 2019, 12:00-18:00
Venue: Galleri Yamanashi – Köpmantorget 1, Gamla Stan.
Gallery talk with writer and director YAMAGA Hiroyuki, now president of Gainax studio, on Sat., 30 March 2019 afternoon.
“Anime in Academia” (2018)
Published in a special issue of Arts: “Japanese Media Cultures in Japan and Abroad: Transnational Consumption of Manga, Anime, and Media-Mixes”. Arts (ISSN 2076-0752) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal published quarterly online by MDPI in March, June, September and December.
Article available and downloadable via
The entire special issue is open access and available via
“Hand in Hand: Kouno Fumiyos Mangaserie ‘Kono sekai no katasumi’ ni (In This Corner of the World)” (2018)
In: Ästhetik des Gemachten: Interdisziplinäre Beiträge zur Animations- und Comicforschung [The Aesthetics of Craftedness: Interdisciplinary Contributions to Animation and Comics Research], ed. by Backe, Hans-Joachim; Eckel, Julia; Feyersinger, Erwin; Sina, Véronique; Thon, Jan-Noël, Berlin: de Gruyter, pp. 53–84.
Open Access.
Review: Japanese Animation: East Asian Perspectives, edited by Masao Yokota and Tze-yue G. Hu, University Press of Mississippi, 2013[横田正夫・胡智於(珠珠)共編『日本アニメーション:東アジアからの諸視点』]
『アニメーション研究』第15巻2号A、[The Japanese Journal of Animation Studies, 2014, vol.15, no.2A], (2014年5月)、pp. 40-47.
Review:トマス・ラマール『アニメ・マシーン グローバル・メディアとしての日本アニメーション』藤木秀朗監訳・大﨑晴美英和訳(名古屋大学出版会、2013年5月発行)
『アニメーション研究』第15巻1号A、[The Japanese Journal of Animation Studies, 2013, vol.15, no.1A], (2013年10月)、pp. 57-59.
研究ノート(学会レポート) 第3回メカデミア大会日本アニメーション学会:日本発アニメ・マンガ・メディア理論をめぐって
『アニメーション研究』第14巻1号A [The Japanese Journal of Animation Studies, 2013, vol.14, no.1A]、(2013年5月)、pp. 57-59.
“Facing the Nuclear Issue in a »Mangaesque« Way: Revisiting Barefoot Gen after 3.11” (2012)
In: Cinergie (Italian online journal on cinema and related media), 2012 [Open Access].