“Kimetsu no Yaiba” Anime

“More Mangaesque than the Manga: ‘Cartooning’ in the Kimetsu no Yaiba Anime,” Transcommunication, 8(2), 171–178. [September 2021]. ISSN: 2188-4986

Part of Special Issue with contributions by Lukas R.A. Wilde, Stevie Suan, Bryan Hartzheim et al.; ed. by Bryan Hartzheim and Mitsuhiro Yoshimoto for Waseda University, Graduate School of International Culture and Communication Studies.


Book Chapter: Nationally naked?

“Nationally naked? The female nude in Japanese oil paintings and posters (1890s-1920s),” in Doris Croissant, Joshua Mostow & Catherine Yeh, eds, New Gender Constructs in Literature, the Visual and the Performing Arts of Modern China and Japan (1880s to 1930s), Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2008, pp. 307-345