in Japanese Art – Transcultural Perspectives, ed. by Melanie Trede, Christine Guth, and Mio Wakita, Leiden: Brill, 2024, pp. 543–565.
Tag: discourse
“Geschichte der Animation: Anime in Japan” (2023)
in Bruckner, Franziska, Eckel, Julia, Feyersinger, Erwin, Reinerth, Maike Sarah (eds) Handbuch Animation Studies. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2023.
“Manga as ‘popular culture’?” — Two (slightly different) essays (2022–23)
(a) 「マンガは「大衆文化」なのか?海外での日本研究におけるマンガの位置づけをめぐって」In: Die Aufgabe der Japanologie: Beiträge zur kritischen Japanforschung, ed. Dorothea Mladenova, Felix Jawinski, und Katrin Gengenbach, Leipzig: Leipziger University Press 2022, 303–320.
(b) _“Manga as ‘Popular Culture’? – Implications of English and Japanese Terminology,” Orientaliska Studier #174 (Japanology issue, ed. by Gunnar Linder), 2023, 7–26.
⟨「Manga」「Manhua」「Comics」?: 以「漫画」(與「マンガ」)的英語拼音為中心⟩ (2023)
In: ⟪台灣 ACG 研究學會年會論文集 1: 故事與另外的世界- ⟫ [eds] 劉定綱&李衣雲, Taipei 台北 2023, pp. 3-14
Book: Introduction – Shōjo Mediations (2019)
in Shōjo Across Media: Exploring “Girl” Practices in Contemporary Japan, co-ed. with Kazumi Nagaike & Fusami Ogi, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 1–21.
Cover illustration: Li Yanfeng/NANAJO.
“Anime in Academia” (2018)
Published in a special issue of Arts: “Japanese Media Cultures in Japan and Abroad: Transnational Consumption of Manga, Anime, and Media-Mixes”. Arts (ISSN 2076-0752) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal published quarterly online by MDPI in March, June, September and December.
Article available and downloadable via
The entire special issue is open access and available via
“Writing Manga into Japanese Art History” (2016)
“Reflections: Writing Comics into Art History in Contemporary Japan,” Konsthistorisk Tidskrift/Swedish Journal of Art History, December 2016, pp. 1–8.
“Manga, which Manga? Publication Formats, Genres, Users” (2016)
in Japanese Civilization in the 21st Century, ed. by Andrew Targowski, Juri Abe, Hisanori Katō, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2016, pp. 121–133.
Review: Dan Mazur & Alexander Danner, Comics: A Global History, 1968 to the Present (London: Thames & Hudson, 2014)
European Comic Art 8.1 (2015): 157–161.
Book: Manga – Medium, Art, and Material (2015)
Jaqueline Berndt, Manga: Medium, Art, and Material, Leipzig UP 2015 (collected articles, partly in German). Cover illustration: Christina Plaka.
ch.1_Teaching Manga Studies: The Case of KSU’s Graduate School
ch. 2_[in German] Traditionsbezüge: „Manga“, Bildrollen und Hokusai Manga
ch. 3_Historical Adventures of a Posthistorical Medium: Japan’s Wartime Past as Represented in Manga
ch.4_Takemiya Keiko: Mangaka with an educational mission
ch.5_[in German] Genji-Manga: Das „Asakiyumemishi“ im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs
ch. 6_Manga as “Literature”: Adaptations of Crime and Punishment in Japanese Comics (1953-2010)
ch. 7_Images to be “Read”: Murakami Takashi’s mangaesque paintings
ch.8_[in German] »Deutschland« im Manga: Ein parodistisches Terrain
ch.9_Magazines and Books: Changes in the Manga Market (co-authored with Enno Berndt)