in Japanese Art – Transcultural Perspectives, ed. by Melanie Trede, Christine Guth, and Mio Wakita, Leiden: Brill, 2024, pp. 543–565.
Tag: exhibition
Review: Manga マンガ (, The British Museum, 2019)
Print Quarterly, xxxvii, 4, 2020, 483–485.
“Deviating from ‘Art’: Japanese Manga Exhibitions 1990–2015” (2020)
In: Comic Art in Museums, edited by Kim Munson, University Press of Mississippi, 2020, pp. 178–191.
“Design als Konzept? Zum Sinn und Zweck von Manga-Ausstellungen” (2020)
in “Ran an die Wand, rein in die Vitrine?” Internationale Positionen zum Ausstellen von Comics in der pädagogischen und musealen Praxis, edited by Anna Maria Loffredo & Barbara M. Eggert, München: kopaed, 2020, S. 98–108.
[cancelled due to corona crisis: conference at Kunstuniversität Linz, March 2020]

Exhibition: Unearthing Anime – Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honnêamise

Coorganized by the MEXT-funded Archive Centre for Anime Studies and Asian Link Research Center, Niigata University, Japan, and the Japanese section at the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies, Stockholm University.
30 March – 3 April 2019, 12:00-18:00
Venue: Galleri Yamanashi – Köpmantorget 1, Gamla Stan.
Gallery talk with writer and director YAMAGA Hiroyuki, now president of Gainax studio, on Sat., 30 March 2019 afternoon.
Exhibition: HOKUSAI at Millesgården (2018)
19 May – 9 Juni 2018
Summaries of the yomihon narratives and some other captions:
Exhibition guide: Manga Hokusai Manga (2016)
2016_“Drawing, Reading, Sharing: A guide to the Manga Hokusai Manga Exhibition,” booklet published on the occasion of the world traveling exhibition Manga Hokusai Manga: Approaching the Master’s Compendium from the Perspective of Contemporary Comics, by The Japan Foundation
“‘Comfort Women’ Comics, Multi-faceted: Revisiting the 2014 Manhwa Exhibit in Angoulême from the Perspective of Manga Studies” (2016)
in Proceedings from the 2016 NAJAKS Conference at Stockholm University: Japanese Studies Volume, co-ed. by Jaqueline Berndt & Gunnar Jinmei Linder, ORIENTALISKA STUDIER #147, pp. 143–169. Print & Web.
“Images to Be ‘Read’: Murakami Takashi’s Mangaesque Nihonga-like Paintings” (2012)
in Art of Japan, Japanisms and Polish-Japanese Art Relations, ed. by Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wójcik & Jerzy Malinowski, Torun: Polish Institute of World Art Studies & Tako Publ., pp. 321–325.
“Manga x Museum in Contemporary Japan” (2012)
Published in Manhwa, Manga, Manhua: East Asian Comics Studies, ed. by J. Berndt, Leipzig: Leipzig University Press, pp. 141–150