in Christina Meyer, Vanessa Ossa & Lukas R.A. Wilde (Hg.): Was war, ist, wird Comicforschung – für uns? 10 Jahre ComFor e.V. als eingetragener Verein Gesellschaft für Comicforschung (ComFor), 2024, S. 32–38. Open Access. http://10.17605/OSF.IO/PDWFH
Tag: media form
Taiwan Comics: History, Status, and Manga Influx 1930s – 1990s (2024)
by I-yun LEE
part of open access book series Stockholm Studies in Media Arts Japan

“Kusazōshi as Comic Books?” (2024)
“Kusazōshi as Comic Books? Reading Early Modern Graphic Narratives from a Manga Studies Perspective,” in Laura Moretti and Yukiko Satō, eds, Graphic Narratives from Early Modern Japan: the World of Kusazōshi, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2024, 530–559.
“Manga, an affective form of comics” (2023)
In The Cambridge Companion to Comics, edited by Maaheen Ahmed, Cambridge UP 2023, 82–101.
“Collapsing Boundaries: Mangaesque Paths Beyond MAUS” (2021)

In: Beyond MAUS. The Legacy of Holocaust Comics, ed. by Ole Frahm, Hans-Joachim Hahn and Markus Streb, Wien: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021, pp. 169–192.
“Anime’s Situated Posthumanism: Representation, Mediality, Performance” (2020)
in The Bloomsbury Handbook to Posthumanism, edited by Mads Rosendahl Thomsen and Jacob Wamberg, London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020, pp. 403–414.
“Conjoined by Hand: Aesthetic Materiality in Kouno Fumiyo’s Manga In this corner of the world” (2020)
Mechademia 12.2 (spring), 2020, 83–101.
(special issue “Asian Materialities,” guest-edited by Stevie Suan).
DOI: 10.5749/mech.12.2.0083
“Manga Aging: Grannies and Gutters” (2020)
In: Spaces Between – Gender, Diversity and Identity in Comics, ed. by Verónique Sina & Nina Eckhoff-Heindl, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2020, pp. 175–186.
Book: Introduction – Shōjo Mediations (2019)
in Shōjo Across Media: Exploring “Girl” Practices in Contemporary Japan, co-ed. with Kazumi Nagaike & Fusami Ogi, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 1–21.
Cover illustration: Li Yanfeng/NANAJO.

“Anime in Academia” (2018)
Published in a special issue of Arts: “Japanese Media Cultures in Japan and Abroad: Transnational Consumption of Manga, Anime, and Media-Mixes”. Arts (ISSN 2076-0752) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal published quarterly online by MDPI in March, June, September and December.
Article available and downloadable via
The entire special issue is open access and available via