in Christina Meyer, Vanessa Ossa & Lukas R.A. Wilde (Hg.): Was war, ist, wird Comicforschung – für uns? 10 Jahre ComFor e.V. als eingetragener Verein Gesellschaft für Comicforschung (ComFor), 2024, S. 32–38. Open Access. http://10.17605/OSF.IO/PDWFH
“Exhibiting Manga, Representing ‘Japan’” (2024)
in Japanese Art – Transcultural Perspectives, ed. by Melanie Trede, Christine Guth, and Mio Wakita, Leiden: Brill, 2024, pp. 543–565.
The Cambridge Companion to Manga and Anime (2024)

JB_“Introduction: Two Media Forms in Correlation,” in The Cambridge Companion to Manga and Anime, 1–16.
JB_“Premodern Roots of Story-Manga?,” in The Cambridge Companion to Manga and Anime, 19–30
Taiwan Comics: History, Status, and Manga Influx 1930s – 1990s (2024)
by I-yun LEE
part of open access book series Stockholm Studies in Media Arts Japan

“Kusazōshi as Comic Books?” (2024)
“Kusazōshi as Comic Books? Reading Early Modern Graphic Narratives from a Manga Studies Perspective,” in Laura Moretti and Yukiko Satō, eds, Graphic Narratives from Early Modern Japan: the World of Kusazōshi, Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2024, 530–559.
“Geschichte der Animation: Anime in Japan” (2023)
in Bruckner, Franziska, Eckel, Julia, Feyersinger, Erwin, Reinerth, Maike Sarah (eds) Handbuch Animation Studies. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2023.
“Geister im Gitter: Anke Feuchtenbergers Kyoto-„Manga“” (2023)
In: Die Königin Vontjanze. Kleiner Atlas zum Werk von Anke Feuchtenberger, hg. Andreas Stuhlmann und Ole Frahm, Hamburg: Textem-Verlag 2023, 267–274.
“Manga, an affective form of comics” (2023)
In The Cambridge Companion to Comics, edited by Maaheen Ahmed, Cambridge UP 2023, 82–101.
“Manga as ‘popular culture’?” — Two (slightly different) essays (2022–23)
(a) 「マンガは「大衆文化」なのか?海外での日本研究におけるマンガの位置づけをめぐって」In: Die Aufgabe der Japanologie: Beiträge zur kritischen Japanforschung, ed. Dorothea Mladenova, Felix Jawinski, und Katrin Gengenbach, Leipzig: Leipziger University Press 2022, 303–320.
(b) _“Manga as ‘Popular Culture’? – Implications of English and Japanese Terminology,” Orientaliska Studier #174 (Japanology issue, ed. by Gunnar Linder), 2023, 7–26.
⟨「Manga」「Manhua」「Comics」?: 以「漫画」(與「マンガ」)的英語拼音為中心⟩ (2023)
In: ⟪台灣 ACG 研究學會年會論文集 1: 故事與另外的世界- ⟫ [eds] 劉定綱&李衣雲, Taipei 台北 2023, pp. 3-14