In: Manga’s Cultural Crossroads, o-ed. with Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer, London: Routledge, 2013, pp. 65–84.
Tag: discourse
Special Issue『美術フォーラム21』特集「漫画とマンガ、そして芸術」(2011)
guest-ed., special issue “Manga to manga, soshite geijutsu” [Manga, comics, and art], Bijutsu Forum 21, no. 24 (November), pp. 20–136.
Introduction and individual article “»Muimi« no »kaidoku«—Gendai manga kara mita Murakami Takashi no kaiga” [‘Deciphering’ the ‘nonsense’—Murakami Takashi’s paintings seen from the perspective of contemporary manga], 132–136.
“Considering Manga Discourse: Location, Ambiguity, Historicity” (2008)
in Japanese Visual Culture, ed. by Mark MacWilliams, Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, pp. 351–369.
“Lebensorte und Vorstellungsräume: Ein Blick auf Comics aus der Sicht von Tokyo und Berlin” (2006)
in Berlin-Tokyo, Tokyo-Berlin: Die Kunst zweier Städte (Ausst.katalog Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin), hg. Angela Schneider, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, S. 70-74
[English trans., ibid.: “Sites of Life and Spaces of Imagination: Comics in Tokyo and Berlin”]
[Jp. trans. by Kigawa Hiromi, in Jp. edition, Mori Art Museum, 2006, pp. 55–58].
“Miburi toshite no Cultural Studies: »setsugō« o kyohi suru Sharon Kinsella no mangaron”(2002)
[Cultural Studies as mere pose: How Sharon Kinsella’s study of manga rejects ‘articulation’]
Ritsumeikan Gengo Bunka Kenkyū, 13(4): 157–166.
“Permeability and Othering: The Relevance of »Art« in Contemporary Japanese Manga Discourse” (2001)
In: Critical Perspectives on Twentieth Century Japanese Thought, ed. by Livia Monnet, Montréal University Press 2001, pp. 349–375;
Book: Phänomen Manga (1995)
Phänomen Manga: Comic-Kultur in Japan, Berlin: edition q 1995
[Spanish trans. El Fenomeno Manga, Barcelona: Ediciones Martinez Roca 1996].