in Japanese Visual Culture, ed. by Mark MacWilliams, Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, pp. 351–369.
“Historical Adventures of a Posthistorical Medium: Japan’s Wartime Past as Represented in Manga” (2008)
in Contested Views on a Common Past: Revisions of History in East Asia, ed. Steffi Richter, Frankfurt/ New York: Campus 2008, pp. 287–320.
“Nationally naked? The female nude in Japanese oil paintings and posters (1890s-1920s)” (2008)
In: Doris Croissant, Joshua Mostow & Catherine Yeh, eds, New Gender Constructs in Literature, the Visual and the Performing Arts of Modern China and Japan (1880s to 1930s), Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2008, pp. 307-345
“Kunsthistorisch entfaltet: Japanische Stellschirme als ,Tableau‘” (2007)
[Byobu (Folding Screens) as Tableau]. In: Barbara Lange (Hrsg.): Visualisierte Körperkonzepte, Berlin: Georg Reimer Verlag 2007, S. 49-66
“A Manifold ‘Flat Battlefield’: The Critical Potential of Manga as Seen through Okazaki Kyoko’s Works” (2006)
in LIFE (English Supplement to exh. cat.), ed. by Takahashi Mizuki, Contemporary Art Center, Art Tower Mito, pp. 23–26
+ Jp. transl. by Takahashi Mizuki in Jap. edition, pp. 24–30.
“Lebensorte und Vorstellungsräume: Ein Blick auf Comics aus der Sicht von Tokyo und Berlin” (2006)
in Berlin-Tokyo, Tokyo-Berlin: Die Kunst zweier Städte (Ausst.katalog Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin), hg. Angela Schneider, Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz, S. 70-74
[English trans., ibid.: “Sites of Life and Spaces of Imagination: Comics in Tokyo and Berlin”]
[Jp. trans. by Kigawa Hiromi, in Jp. edition, Mori Art Museum, 2006, pp. 55–58].
Book: Reading Manga (2006)
Reading Manga: Local and Global Perceptions of Japanese Comics, co-ed. with Steffi Richter, Leipzig: Leipzig University Press, 2006.
Including individually authored Introduction and individual chapter “‘Adult’ Manga: Maruo Suehiro’s historically ambiguous comics,” pp. 107–125.
“Beweglich, flächig, glatt: »Japan« und »Manga« in den Arbeiten des Künstlers Murakami Takashi” (2005)
[Mobile, flat, smooth: “Japan” and “Manga” in Murakami Takashi’s art works], in Facetten der japanischen Populärkultur 1, hg. Stephan Köhn & Martina Schönbein, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, S.. 5–36.
“Miburi toshite no Cultural Studies: »setsugō« o kyohi suru Sharon Kinsella no mangaron”(2002)
[Cultural Studies as mere pose: How Sharon Kinsella’s study of manga rejects ‘articulation’]
Ritsumeikan Gengo Bunka Kenkyū, 13(4): 157–166.
Book: 『マン美研』 (2002)
Man-bi-ken: Manga no bi/gakuteki jigen e no sekkin [Towards an Aesthetics of Comics], Kyoto: Daigo shobō.
Introduction, pp. i–xv, and individual chapter “Tenji sareru manga: bijutsukan ni okeru manga no «bigaku»” [Exhibiting manga: The ‘Aesthetics’ of comics in the art museum], pp. 159–191.