Jaqueline Berndt, ed., Manhwa, Manga, Manhua: East Asian Comics Studies, Leipzig UP 2012. Cover Illustration: Sookyung Yoo.
[mostly bilingual English and Japanese]
Introduction, pp. 7–9, and individual chapter “Manga x Museum in Contemporary Japan,” pp. 141–150.
Category: book chapter
“Manga x Museum in Contemporary Japan” (2012)
Published in Manhwa, Manga, Manhua: East Asian Comics Studies, ed. by J. Berndt, Leipzig: Leipzig University Press, pp. 141–150
“Manga museal, oder: Wer legitimiert wen?” (2011)
[Manga as Museum Art, or: What legitimizes what?]. In: Comic: Intermedialität und Legitimität eines popkulturellen Mediums [Comics: Intermediality and Legitimacy of a Pop-Cultural Medium], ed. by Thomas Becker, Essen & Bochum: Ch. A. Bachmann Verlag, S. 177–192.
“Zeichentrick-Japanisch: »Japanimation« und Anime” (2008)
In: Japan-Lesebuch IV: J-culture, hg. zusammen mit Steffi Richter, Tübingen: konkursbuch Verlag Claudia Gehrke, 2008, S. 48–70
“Considering Manga Discourse: Location, Ambiguity, Historicity” (2008)
in Japanese Visual Culture, ed. by Mark MacWilliams, Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, pp. 351–369.
“Historical Adventures of a Posthistorical Medium: Japan’s Wartime Past as Represented in Manga” (2008)
in Contested Views on a Common Past: Revisions of History in East Asia, ed. Steffi Richter, Frankfurt/ New York: Campus 2008, pp. 287–320.
“Nationally naked? The female nude in Japanese oil paintings and posters (1890s-1920s)” (2008)
In: Doris Croissant, Joshua Mostow & Catherine Yeh, eds, New Gender Constructs in Literature, the Visual and the Performing Arts of Modern China and Japan (1880s to 1930s), Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2008, pp. 307-345
“Kunsthistorisch entfaltet: Japanische Stellschirme als ,Tableau‘” (2007)
[Byobu (Folding Screens) as Tableau]. In: Barbara Lange (Hrsg.): Visualisierte Körperkonzepte, Berlin: Georg Reimer Verlag 2007, S. 49-66
Book: Reading Manga (2006)
Reading Manga: Local and Global Perceptions of Japanese Comics, co-ed. with Steffi Richter, Leipzig: Leipzig University Press, 2006.
Including individually authored Introduction and individual chapter “‘Adult’ Manga: Maruo Suehiro’s historically ambiguous comics,” pp. 107–125.
“Beweglich, flächig, glatt: »Japan« und »Manga« in den Arbeiten des Künstlers Murakami Takashi” (2005)
[Mobile, flat, smooth: “Japan” and “Manga” in Murakami Takashi’s art works], in Facetten der japanischen Populärkultur 1, hg. Stephan Köhn & Martina Schönbein, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, S.. 5–36.