“Reflections: Writing Comics into Art History in Contemporary Japan,” Konsthistorisk Tidskrift/Swedish Journal of Art History, December 2016, pp. 1–8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00233609.2016.1259658
Category: Manga
“Manga, which Manga? Publication Formats, Genres, Users” (2016)
in Japanese Civilization in the 21st Century, ed. by Andrew Targowski, Juri Abe, Hisanori Katō, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2016, pp. 121–133.
Exhibition guide: Manga Hokusai Manga (2016)
2016_“Drawing, Reading, Sharing: A guide to the Manga Hokusai Manga Exhibition,” booklet published on the occasion of the world traveling exhibition Manga Hokusai Manga: Approaching the Master’s Compendium from the Perspective of Contemporary Comics, by The Japan Foundation
“‘Comfort Women’ Comics, Multi-faceted: Revisiting the 2014 Manhwa Exhibit in Angoulême from the Perspective of Manga Studies” (2016)
in Proceedings from the 2016 NAJAKS Conference at Stockholm University: Japanese Studies Volume, co-ed. by Jaqueline Berndt & Gunnar Jinmei Linder, ORIENTALISKA STUDIER #147, pp. 143–169. Print & Web.
“Introduction: Manga beyond Critique?” (2016)
Published in Special Issue “Manga Culture and Critique,” Kritika Kultura, a refereed electronic journal of literary/cultural and language studies, Ateneo de Manila University, No. 26, March, pp. 166–178. http://journals.ateneo.edu/ojs/kk/article/view/2243
Review: Dan Mazur & Alexander Danner, Comics: A Global History, 1968 to the Present (London: Thames & Hudson, 2014)
European Comic Art 8.1 (2015): 157–161.
Book: Manga – Medium, Art, and Material (2015)
Jaqueline Berndt, Manga: Medium, Art, and Material, Leipzig UP 2015 (collected articles, partly in German). Cover illustration: Christina Plaka.
ch.1_Teaching Manga Studies: The Case of KSU’s Graduate School
ch. 2_[in German] Traditionsbezüge: „Manga“, Bildrollen und Hokusai Manga
ch. 3_Historical Adventures of a Posthistorical Medium: Japan’s Wartime Past as Represented in Manga
ch.4_Takemiya Keiko: Mangaka with an educational mission
ch.5_[in German] Genji-Manga: Das „Asakiyumemishi“ im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs
ch. 6_Manga as “Literature”: Adaptations of Crime and Punishment in Japanese Comics (1953-2010)
ch. 7_Images to be “Read”: Murakami Takashi’s mangaesque paintings
ch.8_[in German] »Deutschland« im Manga: Ein parodistisches Terrain
ch.9_Magazines and Books: Changes in the Manga Market (co-authored with Enno Berndt)
“SKIM as GIRL: Reading a Japanese North American Graphic Novel through Manga Lenses” (2014)
in Drawing New Color Lines: Transnational Asian American Graphic Narratives, ed. by Monica Chiu, Hong Kong University Press, 2014, pp. 257–278.
Revised Japanese version:
「 少女マンガから見た『GIRL』:その日本での受容を左右するメディアスケープと民族性表現」、大房房美編『女性マンガ研究:欧米・日本・アジアをつなぐMANGA』青弓社、2015年
[GIRL as shōjo manga: Mediascape and conventions for representing ethnicity swaying its reception in Japan], in [Women’s Manga Studies], ed. by Ōgi Fusami, Tokyo: Seikyūsha, 2015, pp. 84–105.
Book:『国際マンガ研究』/Global Manga Studies, vol.4 (2014)
ed., Nihon manga to “Nihon”: Kaigai no sho komikkusu bunka o shitajiki ni (Kokusai manga kenkyū 4) [Japanese manga and “Japan,” seen from the perspective of the respective comics cultures abroad] [Global Manga Studies, 4]. Introduction [individually authored], Kyoto: International Manga Research Center, 2014. Print & Web. http://imrc.jp/lecture/2012/06/4.html
(Proceedings of International Conference coorganized by Kobe University and Kyoto Seika University, June 2012)
“Manga ist nicht gleich Manga: Plädoyer für eine Differenzierung” (2014)
[Manga Doesn’t Equal Manga: A Plea for Differentiation, APuZ: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte [Politics and Contemporary History], 64 (33–34), 2014: 49–54. Print & Web.